EM-31 and EM-34 surveys were performed to assess potential sources for an area of distressed vegetation, and revealed that a plugged oil well appeared to be the source for the impact, which had affected about 25 acres. An additional investigation, including collecting groundwater samples, is pending to confirm the EM survey results.
Saline Water Seep
Howard County, TX
The EM-31 and EM-34 terrain conductivity meters were used to evaluate potential sources for saline water that surfaced in a creek in a West Texas oilfield. The EM surveys identified numerous potential sources for the saline water, including a former oilfield production tank battery and disposal pit, pipeline leaks and an injection well. Monitoring wells were installed to validate the EM survey results.
Saline Water Seep
Carbon County, UT
An EM-34 terrain conductivity survey was performed to assess several oilfield production facilities, including a producing well and pipelines, as potential sources for a saline water seep that surfaced near a residence. The EM surveys revealed no anomalies that suggested that the producing well or pipelines were sources for the seep.
Produced Water Spill
Lea County, NM
The extent of a spill involving produced water from an oilfield pipeline was evaluated using an EM-34 terrain conductivity meter. Soil samples were collected from anomalies showing elevated readings. The EM survey and laboratory analysis of soil samples demonstrated to the state regulatory agency that the EM principal is an effective method for investigating spills involving produced water.